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作者: 來(lái)源: 點(diǎn)擊:

An American friend asked me: "Why is China successful?" This summer I went to east China's Zhejiang Province on holiday. The region has the most vibrant economy in the country. I asked my local guide what is the one word that defines his compatriots, and he said, "eagerness." That sums up who we are as Chinese.

  一位美國朋友問(wèn)我:“中國為什么會(huì )成功?今年夏天我去浙江度假,這里是中國最具活力的地方。我問(wèn)導游,如果用一個(gè)詞來(lái)概括家鄉人,會(huì )是哪個(gè)詞。他說(shuō)‘奮斗’?!睕](méi)錯,這個(gè)詞大概勾畫(huà)了我們這個(gè)民族的特質(zhì)。

  Chinese labor productivity grows at 9 percent annually, the highest in the world. The country has maintained a strong labor force and high rates of working women. This year, China broke into the world's top-20 most innovative economies for the first time. American multinational conglomerate General Electric started doing business in China as early as 1906, with its slogan "In China, For China." R&D from its 2,500 Chinese engineers has made GE even more competitive.

  近四十年來(lái)中國勞動(dòng)生產(chǎn)率每年以9%的速度增長(cháng)。中國的勞動(dòng)力隊伍堅實(shí)可靠,女性參加工作的比例很高。今年,中國首次躋身全球最具創(chuàng )新力經(jīng)濟體20強。美國跨國公司通用電氣早在1906年便開(kāi)始在中國開(kāi)展業(yè)務(wù),其口號是“在中國,為中國”。通用雇傭了2500名中國工程師,他們的研發(fā)讓通用電氣更上層樓。

  When Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997) started China's reform and opening up 40 years ago, he not only shook up a stagnant economy, but also set the imagination of Chinese people free.


  Farmers were no longer chained to the field, workers were no more burdened by travail, and entrepreneurs became truly enterprising.


  In droves, Chinese people became porters and builders, canners and caterers, engineers and researchers, phone makers and shop owners. They are the beating heart of a growing economy and the backbone of an aspiring nation. Like the American pioneers in the West, they deserve every respect for their human ingenuity and determination. They are the real Chinese at their best. They are the good part of humanity.


  You may ask what is the government's role in all of this? I'd say it is the catalyst. The true chemistry is generated by the hands and feet of hundreds of millions of Chinese workers.

  你可能會(huì )問(wèn),政府在這里中扮演什么角色呢?我想說(shuō),中國的變革是數億中國人用勤勞的雙手雙腳帶動(dòng)的化學(xué)反應,政府只是催化劑而已。

  I know some Americans perceive China as a "thief, robber and plotter" because it is richer, better, stronger and different. But this is not only wrong, it misses the point.


  Like a speeding car, China powers ahead because of a strong engine not because it jumps lanes. No one should be blamed for making efforts, especially if they are willing to join hands with others. In this sense, the Chinese share the same dream as Africans, Europeans and Americans.


  Colin Powell once said diplomacy is listening to what the other guy needs. A great statesman stands tall because he understands humanity in friends and in opponents.


  The Chinese and American people are at another historical crossroad. Some say we are only connected by wallets; I don't agree. We are connected in more fundamental ways – in our creativity, aspirations, and introspections. How we imagine each other will not only affect others, it will define who we are.

  中美兩國人民正站在一個(gè)新的十字路口。有人說(shuō)讓兩國聯(lián)系在一起的只是利益罷了。我不敢茍同。把中美兩國聯(lián)系起來(lái)的東西比利益更深刻,那就是:我們的創(chuàng )造力、對未來(lái)的期望和對自己的認知。我們看待彼此的方式不僅會(huì )影響他人,還會(huì )塑造我們自己。

  English author Rudyard Kipling says "East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet." But adds, "There is neither East nor West when two strong men stand face to face."


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